The Сost of Knowledge: Examining the Student Debt Сrisis in Ameriсa

The esсalating student debt сrisis in Ameriсa has beсome a foсal point of national disсourse, refleсting a broader сonversation about the value of higher eduсation and its aссessibility to the masses. With student loan balanсes skyroсketing and eсonomiс ramifiсations felt aсross generations, the сost of knowledge in the U.S. is under intense sсrutiny. This artiсle delves into the сomplexities of […]

Unlocking Opportunities: Contrasting Educational Systems of the USA and the Netherlands

Education stands as the cornerstone of societal progress, offering pathways to individual growth and collective prosperity. In this article, we delve into the educational landscapes of two distinct nations: the United States of America and the Netherlands. By contrasting these systems, we aim to uncover the diverse approaches to education and their impact on opportunities for students. Historical Background The […]

Navigating Higher Education: A Dutch Student’s Guide to Studying in the USA

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, more Dutch students are setting their sights on the United States for their higher education endeavors. According to recent statistics, the number of Dutch students enrolling in American universities has been steadily rising, reflecting the allure of pursuing academic excellence in the land of opportunity. Before delving into the intricacies of studying in the […]

Navigating the Lab Assistant Training Landscape in Canada: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction Lab assistant training programs in Canada play a crucial role in shaping skilled professionals for the dynamic and evolving healthcare and research sectors. Aspiring lab assistants face a multitude of options when considering their educational journey, ranging from community colleges to universities and vocational schools. Navigating this landscape can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we […]

What is the main difference between the American school and the Russian one?

Let’s compare the school systems of Russia and the United States. In Russia, all students study the same courses and are given clearly defined hours for subjects. While the US system is aimed at individual education, children in the US choose their own subjects and learn what they are really interested in, while in Russia they are only creating profile […]

Preschool Education in the United States

Preschool is not considered a required part of education, which means it is not funded by the federal government. But many states provide funding themselves and offer education at low (or no) cost. However, not all states require a special license to offer such programs. This stage is often referred to as pre-kindergarten. Pre-kindergarten refers to children under the age […]

Elementary Education in the United States

Kindergarten The first year of elementary school is called kindergarten. Although it would be more correct to call it kindergarten. The word itself translates as “kindergarten,” but it is more like pre-kindergarten. They are held at schools, and American children attend them regularly for a full day of school. It usually lasts four hours, from 8:30 to 1:30 p.m. Children […]

Middle School Education in the USA

Middle School / Junior High School Many people use these terms interchangeably, even though they were originally created as different types of high school. Middle school lasts from sixth to eighth grade, while junior high school lasts from seventh to ninth. Junior high is also considered to have more of a focus on required subjects, test preparation, a fixed schedule, […]

Higher Education in the United States

Higher education in the United States is considered one of the most prestigious. Five American universities are among the top ten in the world according to the QS ranking. Every year thousands of foreigners choose America to study at university. In 2019-2020, there were more than a million of them there. Vocational Education High school graduates can get a quick […]